
Customized solutions for all kind of production needs

Our product range is broad and flexible enough to fit almost any demand in the market. If you think that is not enough we can offer machines from the Special Category. Special machines are based on the same quality principles as all other models, but are designed for very specific customer needs. Each project is unique and the machine systems are developed in close cooperation with the customer.



Christian Svensson

Global Sales

Five year performance warranty

We guarantee that all our machines keep the same tolerance level after five years as when the machine was first delivered.

Lifetime support by waterjet specialists

Our service team is highly specialized within the field of water jet cutting. Via our hotline support, our technical expertise is available on a 24/7 basis.

    Specify your needs


    Number of cutting head

    The size of working zone

    Precision cutting

    Cutting thickness

    Cutting type

    Klas Wallström




    If you have questions, please feel free to contact us here or call us at +46 457 - 455 440

    Welcome to
    Water Jet Sweden

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    Please let us contact you.