When your logo suddenly appears in National television
Suddenly it happened! National televisions program “Winter Studio” is on, when a young biathlete appears with our logo on his race suit. It turned out to be 19-year-old Oskar Ericsson from Ronneby OK.
Biathlon is a very popular winter sport in Sweden. With a national team winning both World Championships and Olympic medals it is often broadcasted live on national television. Normally come successful biathletes from the northern part of Sweden where there is snow all winter. An exception to that rule is young Oskar Ericsson from Ronneby in Blekinge in most Sothern part of Sweden, where snow is scarce nowadays. Having grown up in Ronneby, Oskar goes against the flow and defies the climate. Studying at a ski high-school in mid Sweden, he is already a member of the junior national orienteering biathlon team, and has big ambitions for the future. “The goal is to be the best in the world” says Oskar Ericsson.
Ronneby OK is an active local sports club supported by Water Jet Sweden. They are well known within the sport of orienteering and have an outdoor sports facility called Karlsnäsgården. A place for exercise and elite sports situated in the forests nearby Ronneby. Among others Ronneby OK make off road tracks for cross country skiing whenever the weather is cold enough for making snow, and Karlsnäsgården have become a hub for cross-country skiing in Blekinge county.
If you are into cross-country skiing, rifle shooting and orienteering there are some special mixed sports you can compete in. Cross-country ski-orienteering and Orienteering-Biathlon. The latter one is a sport where Oskar have been both gold and silver medalist at Junior World Championships. Now he keeps the cross-country skis on, the rifle on his back and focusses on becoming a world class senior biathlon athlete. Hopefully we’ll see more of Oskar Ericsson and our logo in the Winter Studio, wishing best of luck to Oskar in the future.

Oskar Ericsson racing fast in the “Sweden premiere”, first biathlon race of the season 2023/2024.

Oskar Ericsson coming in to the shooting range, with full focus on breath, pulse and targets.

A satisfied athlete after another good day’s work.